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Training & Support



Wir sind zusammen erfolgreich

Wir wenden viel Zeit und Geld auf, um Schulungen anzubieten und um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Kunden immer zufrieden mit Ihnen sind.



Wir unterstützen unsere Franchisenehmer bei allen Fragen

Over 60 employees in our support centers in Europe, America and Australian support our 700 franchisees in over 18 languages.

  • First-class training: We have proven training programs and strategies for successfully building customer relationships in order to quickly build trust and influence in companies.
  • Business Development: We show you how you can quickly gain customers and build a profitable and sustainable business by expanding, maintaining and developing your customer base. These training programs support your business plan and get you in the right direction when you start your business.
  • Operational support: ERA Group’s operational business platform, IT support and comprehensive marketing campaigns help reduce your operational and administrative tasks so you can spend more time in the market with your customers and with family and friends. Our regional support structure guarantees a successful and individual mentoring and familiarization phase
  • Marketing, advertising and PR: We offer strategic marketing and communication campaigns so that attention and credibility can be increased and new customer contacts can be won. This includes digital marketing campaigns based on content, the support of social media channels, blogs and email marketing.
“I have never participated in such a well organised training as the one that ERA provides” Mari Nilsson - SWEDEN Download
“The course was broad, very well structured, engaging and fun.” Tony Jarrett - NEW ZEALAND
“For me, the training was very valuable and I feel like I was ready for the business afterwards!” Joop Huisman - THE NETHERLANDS

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